
General Information

Full Name Ricardo Diniz Caldas
Date of Birth 10th March 1994
Languages (Native) Portuguese, (Fluent) English, (Beginner) Swedish
Lattes CV (with PDF) Link


  • 2020-now
    Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
    • Funded by WASP Sweden
    • EASElab (Empirical and Automated Software Eng. Lab), supervised by Prof. Patrizio Pelliccione and Prof. Thorsten Berger
    • Conducted research on software engineering, including architecture, self-adaptation, verification, and validation of robotic systems
    • Thesis Title: From Chance to Choice Strategies to Attaining Resilience in Cyber-Physical Systems
  • 2018-2019
    University of Brasília, Brasília, Brazil
    • Financed by CAPES
    • Laboratory of Dependability in Software Engineering, under the supervision of Prof. Genaína Nunes Rodrigues
    • Conducted research on software engineering for self-adaptive systems, model checking, healthcare domain
    • Assisted in experimentation and writing papers for the International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS)
    • Thesis Title: An Architecture to Support Control Theoretical-based Verification of Goal-Oriented Adaptation
  • 2012-2017
    Bc Engineering in Control and Automation
    University of Brasília, Brasília, Brazil
    • Relevant courses include Data Structures, Computer Architecture, Programming Languages, Database, Intro. to Software Engineering, OOP, Real-time Systems, Control Theory, Elements of Automation.
    • 1yr studies in Michigan, US. Awarded with the Science Without Borders study abroad scholarship financed by the Brazilian Government
    • Thesis Title: Prototyping and formal verification of autonomous system with real-time properties a case study at Body Sensor Network

Academic Experience

  • 2018-now
    Selected Publications
    • Caldas, R., et al. "Runtime verification and field-based testing for ROS-based robotic systems", In Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE), IEEE, 2024.
    • Caldas, R., et al. "A hybrid approach combining control theory and AI for engineering self-adaptive systems.", In Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 15th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS), IEEE, 2020.
    • Gil, EB, Caldas, R., et al. "Body sensor network A self-adaptive system exemplar in the healthcare domain.", In Proceedings of the IEEE/ACM 16th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS), IEEE, 2021.
    • Full list of publications: Scholar
  • 2021-2023
    Leader of the Safety and Robustness Core Technology Cluster
    WASP Sweden
    • 82 hr/yr
    • Managing a group of circa 10 active PhD students from five universities in Sweden
    • Organizing workshops, talks, meetings
  • 2020-now
    Teaching Assistant
    CSE Software Engineering division, Chalmers University of Technology
    • Individual and group supervision on theoretical and technical issues
    • Course organization, scheduling lectures, booking rooms, lecturing
    • Courses include Software Evolution Project (450h), Software Engineering for Complex Systems (150h), Agile Development Project (165h), Requirements Engineering (130h).
  • 2022
    Visiting Researcher
    Gran Sasso Scientific Institute, L'Aquila, Italy
    • Researching Runtime Verification and Testing in the Field for ROS-based Systems
    • Financed by WASP Sweden and supported by GSSI
  • 2014
    Research Assistant
    Aerial Vehicle Group, Lawrence Technological University, MI, US.
    • Building, programming, and experimenting on aerial unmanned vehicles under the supervision of Prof. James Mynderse.
    • Financed by the program Science Without Borders CNPQ/CAPES
  • 2012-2013
    Research Assistant
    University of Brasília, Brasília, Brazil
    • Exploratory research on the Quicksort algorithm and its applications under the supervision of Prof. Carla Koike
    • Financed under the project Young Talents for Science CNPQ
  • 2020-now
    Community Services
    • Paper Reviews for the journals TAAS, TECS, and the conference ICRA.
    • Paper Sub-Reviews for FSE, ICSE, ASE, and SEAMS conferences.
    • Program Committee for the Workshop CASA, at the ECSA conference, since 2022-now.
  • 2020-now
    Other Events
    • 2024 ACM International Conference on the Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE). Presented "Towards an Engineering Discipline for Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems", 2024. Doctoral Symposium.
    • First Summer School on Robotic Mission Engineering. Universidade de Brasilia, Brasil. Presented "The Way Research on Software Engineering for Robotics." 2023. (Workshop).
    • TAROT - Summer School on Software Testing, Verification & Validation. London, UK. 2023. (Summer School).
    • WARA Public Safety Summer School. Linkoping, Sweden. 2023. (Summer School).
    • WASP Winter Conference. Norrkoping, Sweden. Presented "Roboticists want to build resilient robots... but they can't!". 2023. (Conference).
    • Robotics Software Engineering 2022. "Verification of ROS-based Systems Guidelines for Developers and QA teams." 2022. (Annual Meeting).
    • 2021 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Self-Organizing Systems Companion (ACSOSC). Presented "Towards Mapping Control Theory and Software Engineering Properties using Specification Patterns". 2021. (Conference).
    • 2021 International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS). Presented "Body Sensor Network A Self-Adaptive System Exemplar in the Healthcare Domain". 2021. (Conference).
    • 2020 IEEE/ACM 15th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and SelfManaging Systems. Presented "A Hybrid Approach Combining Control Theory and AI for Engineering Self-Adaptive Systems". 2020. (Conference).

Professional Experience

  • 2015-2017
    Software Development Intern
    Ativu -- Brasília, Brazil
    • Research and Development team, supervision of Israel Mendonça and Oscar Pires
    • Contributed to corrective and evolutive maintenance of a Telecom Expense Management software system
    • Experimented with Test-driven Development with unit tests and continuous integration
    • Assisted with requirements elicitation and project description for a mobile application

Honors and Awards

  • 2012
    • Young Talents for Science
  • 2015
    • Science Without Borders Study Abroad Program

Other Interests

  • Hobbies: Piano.