
Aug, 2024 Congratulations! I am pleased to inform you that your paper entitled "Runtime Verification and Field-based Testing for ROS-based Robotic Systems" has been accepted for publication as a REGULAR PAPER in the Transactions on Software Engineering!!
Jun, 2024 Attended the ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering in Robotics Summer School in Brussels
Feb, 2024 RoME2, our Robotics Mission Engineering Summer School, was a success!!
Feb, 2024 It is a pleasure to inform you that your manuscript entitled A Driver-Vehicle Model for ADS Scenario-based Testing has been accepted for publication as a REGULAR PAPER in the Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems!!
Aug, 2023 Attended DRIMS2 the 1st Doctoral Summer School on Robotics and Intelligent Machines
Jul, 2023 Attended TAROT summer school on software testing, verification, and validation. It was held in King's College London!
Jun, 2023 Participated in the summer school of WARA-PS on field testing for autonomous systems in the domain of public safety.
Apr, 2023 Attended a course on Robotic Architectures with Prof. Davide Brugali, at GSSI.
Apr, 2023 Joined the Program Committee of the CASA workshop co-located with ECSA.
Mar, 2023 Full paper named EzSkiROS: A Case Study on Embedded Robotics DSLs to Catch Bugs Early has been accepted for publication in IEEE/ACM 5th International Workshop on Robotics Software Engineering (RoSE).
Mar, 2023 Helped to Organize RoME (Robotics Mission Engineering Summer School) at Universidade de Brasília, Brasil. Shared my work on Robotics Software Engineering.
Jan, 2023 Visited Norrköping for the WASP Winter Conference. Presented a poster on Resilient Robotics Software Engineering (poster).
Oct, 2022 Visited the UK including Kings College London, Cambridge, Oxford, Imperial College London, and Cranfield University. In addition, visited the companies ARM and Astra Zenaca. Shared my work on Resilient Robotics Software Engineering (link to the poster).
Sep, 2022 Held a talk on "Verification of ROS-based Systems: Guidelines for Developers and QA Teams" @ Robotics Software Engineering Workshop at GSSI. L’Aquila, Italy.
Jun, 2022 Joined the Program Committee member of the CASA workshop co-located with ECSA.
May, 2022 Attended a course with Prof. Paola Inverardi on Ethics in Software Engineering at GSSI.
May, 2022 An Architecture for Mission Coordination of Heterogeneous Robots has been accepted for publication in The Journal of Systems & Software (JSS)!! (preprint available)
May, 2022 Attended a course on Software Testing with Prof. Antonia Bertolino at GSSI.
Jan, 2022 Exciting news!! I just arrived in L’Aquila, IT, for a 6 month exchange with the Gran Sasso Scientific Institute (GSSI).
Oct, 2021 Visited Lund University for participating on a project about Robotics and Software Engineering. We understood how roboticists program using a skill-based langauge and studied how to improve its syntax to avoid mistakes.
Sep, 2021 Presented our short paper named Towards Mapping Control Theory and Software Engineering Properties @ ACSOS 2021.
May, 2021 Presented the artifact named Body Sensor Network at SEAMS 2021. Check it out in Youtube.
Jun, 2020 Presented our work on A Hybrid Approach Combining Control Theory and AI for Engineering Self-Adaptive Systems at SEAMS 2020. Check out the Youtube video.
Feb, 2020 Visited Lund University to attend the a WASP course on Autonomous Systems.
Jan, 2020 Visited Linköping University for the WASP Winter Conference.
Jan, 2020 Excited to announce that I started my PhD at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg. I am part of the Software Engineering division of the Computer Science and Engineering Department.
Oct, 2019 Presented my work on Experimenting with Goal-Oriented Adaptation Policies for Reliability Assessment on Sensor Network at WPOS/WCOMP a workshop, Brasília, Brasil.
Mar, 2019 Taming Uncertainty in the Assurance Process of Self-Adaptive Systems: a Goal-Oriented Approach was accepted as a long paper at SEAMS 2019!!
Mar, 2018 A Learning Approach to Support the Assurance for Real-Time Self-Adaptive Systems was accepted to publication in SEAMS 2018!
Jan, 2018 Joined Master studies in Dependability and Software Engineering with Prof. Genaína N. Rodrigues at Universidade de Brasília.